Peterson Learning Center
Reading and language deficiencies rob students of finding Joy in Learning®. These problems create barriers to teachers’ ability to connect with their students. Studies show that strength in reading and language correlates to stronger engagement, classroom community, critical thinking and confidence. Yet, there just isn’t enough classroom time or resource to guide each individual student through his or her own challenges. At some point, the ability to effectively help students goes beyond the means to do so.
In 1999, Jim and Mary Peterson saw a way to help. They created the Peterson Learning Center to mitigate any reading and/or language obstacles that stand in the way of students reaching their full potential. Thanks to their generosity, Manzano Day School now has a committed team ready and able to offer assistance, support and training for students, teachers and even parents.
Students have the opportunity to work in small groups of peers to practice and advance reading and academic skills at their own pace toward an agreed upon goal. Parent engagement is a key factor in student success; therefore, parents can receive aid and resources regarding their student’s academic development and strategies to create environments that foster Joy in Learning® both in the classroom and at home.
Teachers may use the Peterson Learning Center as a resource for testing, up-to-date information and best practices regarding reading and general learning, and training and assistance to implement the CR Success Learning Program easily and effectively in the classroom. We also provide shoulders to lean on, ears to listen, and maybe even a few snacks to get teachers through the day.
We hope everyone comes to see The Peterson Learning Center as part of an integrated team dedicated to helping each student, parent and teacher find their own Joy in Learning®.. Our door is always open. Feel free to drop on by, send an email or pick up the old-fashioned phone.
Janalyn Maes, Director of the Peterson Learning Center
Minda Sehr, Peterson Learning Center Assistant